Thursday 8 October 2009

Evaluation for Radio Jingles

For my radio induction assignment I had to make 3 radio jingles, one for an advert to catch an audience, one for the news channel intro, and the last one was to be a station identity to introduce the programme.

I really liked this assignment because it allowed me to put my creative skills to use by analysing radio jingles and applying the same techniques into my own work. I love editing music and sounds together to make an aura of sound to make an interesting, exciting and funny piece of work.
I disliked the fact that we had to record our own voices instead of using another student. I disliked this because my voice sounds terrible on radio and so I really wished I didn’t have to do it.
My pieces went really well, the music fitted with the sounds and I, quite literally, “blew” the music into your ears with some explosions, and eruptions (occasionally bodily eruptions).
However, my levels on my voice were not to the level they should have been and because of this my piece suffered. My voice was slightly drowned out by the music. Also my voice was crap, I wasn’t enthusiastic on the day and so this caused me to sound really depressed.
These can be changed by me being more enthusiastic and also levelling my voice up a few decibels.

My music, I had to use was mainly rock and techno because that is what I like to listen to. The music I used was done by the bands; enter Shikari, funeral for a friend and Linkin park. The music worked well with the sounds because I wanted to give it an explosive entrance with some explosions, I used other sounds like claxons, belching and “im slappy!” which was a rather odd man shouting Im slappy loudly.
We used the microphones on the Macintoshes to record voice over’s and other recordings for our jingles. These were then transferred over to sound booth which was the programme we used. I liked the programme because it was easy to use. However I couldn’t cut clips in half etc and so this pissed me off.
I needed to cut the clips and because I couldn’t do this, I needed to keep importing the clips and clipping them down to the piece I wanted. So in the music’s case this took bloody ages.

If I was to do it again then I would level out the sound levels so that my voice can be heard instead of it being drowned out. And also I would also try and be more enthusiastic, (maybe eat sugar before the lesson) either that or get Khamal to do it for me. Khamal has got a much better voice for radio than me so I will use him to do it for me instead. Finally if I was to do it again I would use more of a variety of sounds and music to create a better aura.

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